Security Architecture podcast kicks off series 5

Security Architecture podcast

Cybersecurity architect and host of the Security Architecture podcast, Evgeniy Kharam is inviting security professionals to join him for the Kickoff episode of Season 5. In this latest series, Kharam and co-host Dmitry Raidman will be exploring the best ways to protect infrastructure as a service (IaaS) environments. It will be focusing on the Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (#CNAPP) and examining how many vendors in the industry address this important domain.

Fernando Montenegro, a Senior Principal Analyst on Omdia’s cybersecurity research team, based in Toronto, Canada, was the first guest on series 5. He focuses on the Infrastructure Security Intelligence Service, which provides vendors, service providers, and enterprise clients with insights and data on network security, content security, and more.

The episode covered everything from an explanation of acronyms related to cloud security, including CSPM, CWPP, and CNAP, an explanation of how CNAP can be used on-premises, an overview of common features expected from a CNAP platform, a discussion of the feasibility of having all CNAP features under one vendor, and other topics. It will end with a discussion on the use of open source tools in cloud security.

George Avetisov, founder & CEO of 1up was the guest in the most recent episode, and other guests have included Abhi Sharma, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Relyance AI, Abhi Veldurthy, VP of Engineering at Cloud Defense AI, Al Yang, CEO and Co-founder at Safebase and many more.

According to the podcast team, its shows are a series of informative discussions that explore the various components of security architecture, zero trust, application security, cloud security, and data security. These shows provide valuable insights on emerging trends, and innovative cybersecurity solutions.

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