360 Vision Technology delivers environmentally friendly recyclable packaging

360 Vision Technology

Further reinforcing its commitment to employing green technology, 360 Vision Technology has announced a move to more environmentally friendly, recyclable product packaging.

“Alongside our commitment to green manufacturing, including our low power consumption camera range and tree planting scheme, for our customers, switching to a bespoke-designed cardboard-based packaging system will provide a significant decrease in environmental impact for each and every camera delivered,” says Mark Rees, Managing Director of 360 Vision Technology.

Made from recycled cardboard and designed to be easily recycled once used, the new product packaging comprises a custom-made cardboard protective structure that replaces heavier and less environmentally friendly shaped foam inserts.

Additionally, the new packaging is also significantly lighter to ship, so carbon impact in the whole delivery chain will also be reduced.

“The move to recycled and easily-recycled lighter packaging is not a straight-forward task, but we take our environmental responsibility seriously and wanted to make the investment into the latest environmentally friendly materials available,” Mark continues. “We have spent a significant amount of development time designing the perfect protective packaging structure, to ensure our products continue to be delivered to customers safely.

“The new packaging design significantly reduces material impact and carbon footprint, all whilst maintaining the same product protection performance standards as previously.

“Now available on our standard range of camera designs, the new packaging will eventually be rolled-out across our entire range of optional camera configurations.”


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