ASIS announces ASIS Europe 2025, which is sure to be an “amazing experience”

ASIS Europe 2025

After a sell-out edition in Vienna, Dublin will be the next host city for ASIS Europe, taking place from March 4 – 6, 2025, and organisers are urging those wishing to attend to make sure to save the date now for what it says will surely be an amazing experience.

The 2024 show was described as a “symphony in security”, with an audience of established and aspiring security leaders, that addressed both “here and now” security and business risks as well as more strategic matters.

Sessions demonstrated how security leaders can move beyond focusing on the urgent to finding solutions for the important, looking beyond short-term crisis response in order to study and address long-term, existential challenges such as extremism along supply chains, globalisation, compliance, and climate change.

Opening keynote, General (ret.) Tom Middendorp (former Chief of Defense for The Netherlands) highlighted the intersection of climate change risk and security concerns, and emphasised the need for innovation, collaboration and more dynamic management models. On the Friday, Ambassador Julianne Smith, U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO explored a wide range of topics from big-picture geopolitics and NATO expansion, to combatting cyber-attacks and disinformation campaigns.

See a wrap up video of the 2024 show, below:

In total, more than fifty educational sessions took place across two days, with five stages in action and a host of different session formats to ensure a vibrant learning experience with many interactive elements.

ASIS’ commitments to the future of the profession and the security talent pipeline were also highlighted with the involvement of their NextGen and Women in Security communities who developed workshops on engaging professionals of different generations and advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives, the organisation said.

ASIS Europe is well established as Europe’s critical gathering for established and aspiring security leaders from across the region and beyond.

Those interested in speaking should look out for its Call for Content, opening in early September. The deadline for submissions is October 21.

Delegate registration will open in October.

Ahead of 2025 ASIS Europe, there is also the ASIS International Summer Seminar and Autumn Seminar to look forward to. Tickets for the summer seminar are available, here.

Did you miss ASIS Europe 2024? Read the short summary, here, and view the pictures, here.

For more ASIS news, click here


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