The Big Interview: Eagle Eye Networks, Gabriel Breeman

Eagle Eye Networks

In this exclusive interview, VP Sales Europe at Eagle Eye Networks, Gabriel Breeman, talks to us about driving innovation in cloud surveillance, and its latest company developments and strategy – expanding in emerging markets while strengthening its presence in established regions, to deliver reliable and innovative cloud video surveillance solutions to a broader range of customers.

Can you provide an overview of Eagle Eye Networks’ current presence and strategy in the European market?

GB: “Eagle Eye Networks is well-established in markets across Europe, with partners and end-user customers in key markets, including the UK, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Poland, and Turkey. Part of our mission is to develop our global coverage network, and of course, that means we are also quickly growing our team across new markets. Our strategy is to expand in emerging markets while strengthening our presence in established regions, ensuring we deliver reliable and innovative cloud video surveillance solutions to a broader range of customers.”

What do you see as the key challenges and opportunities for Eagle Eye Networks in Europe in the coming years?

GB: “The security industry is rapidly moving to the cloud, driven by the advantages of cloud technology and the benefits of shifting from capital expenditures (CapEx) to operating expenditures (OpEx), allowing businesses to spread costs over time. Additionally, the increasing use of AI in video surveillance for enhanced security and business optimization is creating new opportunities across various industries. To meet this demand and scale effectively, we are focused on recruiting and retaining top talent to support our growth and innovation in these emerging markets.”

How do you plan to leverage emerging technologies and trends to drive growth and innovation in the European market?

GB: “As the leading innovator in the cloud video surveillance market, we are continually working with our clients and partners to develop and deploy new capabilities. An important differentiator for Eagle Eye is that we are an open platform. Our open API enables us to integrate with an unlimited number of technology partners to meet the specific requirements of our enterprise clients. The Eagle Eye Cloud VMS works even in the most complex integrated hybrid and multi-cloud environments.”

What sets Eagle Eye Networks apart from competitors in the European surveillance and security industry?

GB: “Besides our complete portfolio of cameras, bridges, CMVRs, as well as AI and analytics, we also offer an open system that works with any camera, giving our customers maximum flexibility. We also offer customers options with respect to how they deploy. This greatly differentiates Eagle Eye Networks from other vendors. Customers can choose between a traditional purchase model (buy all required infrastructure with high upfront costs), or customers can choose to ‘pay-as-you-go’ and have little to no upfront costs at all. This offering is called Complete, and it is either a monthly or annual subscription. With this plan, there’s no need to upgrade, replace, or buy additional licences as their infrastructure evolves.

“Regardless of the option our customers choose, they avoid the complexities and hidden costs associated with traditional systems, as well as the risk of equipment becoming obsolete over time. With our solutions, they can focus on optimising their business operations and achieving their goals with less hassle.”

How does Eagle Eye Networks adapt its solutions to meet the unique needs and regulatory requirements of different European countries?

GB: “Each European country has its own set of regulatory requirements and market demands. We collaborate closely with local partners to ensure that our solutions support customers in meeting relevant regulations and standards, including data privacy laws such as GDPR. Our cloud infrastructure is flexible and scalable, allowing us to tailor our offerings to the specific needs of each country while upholding high levels of cybersecurity and performance.”

Can you share any recent success stories or case studies that highlight Eagle Eye Networks’ impact in Europe?

GB: “Absolutely. Here’s one recent success story: MSV Housing in the UK. We partnered with Ajar Technology to pilot a cloud-based video surveillance solution for a refurbished housing scheme in Manchester, England. The Eagle Eye Cloud VMS provides MSV Housing with reliable, scalable, and cost-effective surveillance while eliminating the complexities of their previous on-prem system. MSV Housing was so pleased, they decided to standardise our solution across their entire estate and deploy over 500 cameras. This is just one example of our success in housing; we are also doing a lot of work in retail, construction, commercial property, logistics, and transport.”

As the VP Sales Europe, what strategies do you employ to foster strong relationships with customers and partners across the continent?

GB: “Building strong relationships is key to our success. We focus on open communication, regular engagement, and collaboration. For example, we maintain frequent check-ins with partners through business reviews and informal touchpoints. We also offer training sessions and webinars to keep customers informed and ensure they get the most from our solutions. By understanding each customer’s unique needs, we can provide tailored support, such as custom integrations, which helps build trust and strengthen our partnerships.”

In what ways do you envision Eagle Eye Networks contributing to the evolution of smart cities and urban security initiatives in Europe?

GB: “Eagle Eye Networks is at the forefront of integrating advanced video surveillance technologies with smart city initiatives. Our AI-powered cloud VMS can provide real-time data and insights to improve urban security, traffic management, and public safety. By partnering with municipalities and urban planners, we can develop solutions that enhance the quality of life for residents while ensuring the security and efficiency of urban environments.”

How does Eagle Eye Networks prioritise sustainability and environmental responsibility in its operations and offerings for the European market?

GB: “Sustainability is a key focus for us. We design our solutions to be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, reducing the carbon footprint of our operations and those of our customers. Our cloud-based model eliminates the need for extensive on-site hardware, further reducing energy consumption and electronic waste. We are also exploring partnerships with organisations that prioritise sustainability and environmental responsibility.”

Looking ahead, what are your long-term goals and aspirations for Eagle Eye Networks’ presence and influence in Europe?

GB: “As one of the leading providers of AI-powered cloud VMS solutions, our long-term goal is to further expand our market presence, continuously innovate our product offerings, and strengthen our relationships with customers and partners. More importantly, we hope to drive the evolution of the security industry by setting new standards and pioneering advancements that will contribute to safer, smarter, and more efficient environments across Europe.”

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