Dubai Police to host 4th Interpol Young Global Police Leaders Programme


The Dubai Police is gearing up to host the fourth edition of INTERPOL’s Young Global Police Leaders Programme (YGPLP), held from August 26 to 29, under the theme “Policing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.”

The fourth edition of YGPLP will bring together young police leaders from 35 nations, along with international speakers and trainers, to explore the transformative role of AI in reshaping global industries and societies and how these changes impact security and policing, Dubai Police said.

Future-Ready Police

His Excellency Lieutenant General Abdulla Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, emphasised that Dubai Police is at the forefront of future-oriented policing and security.

“Dubai Police has adopted a forward-thinking strategy to ensure that police operations are readied to handle future challenges, particularly those related to artificial intelligence. This strategy aims to utilise the rapid advancements in AI to enhance police operations, develop innovative solutions, and ensure that police forces remain leaders in safeguarding communities and combating all forms of crime,” he confirmed.

Global Platform

Al Marri further explained that the YGPLP 2024 is designed to strengthen international cooperation and communication among participating countries, focusing on developing the skills of INTERPOL young leaders. “The programme provides a global platform for these leaders to address present and future challenges, equipping them with the latest practices, technologies, and tools to advance global policing,” he highlighted.

Al Marri added that the programme plays a crucial role in enhancing the performance of police forces worldwide. “It promotes effective and ongoing global communication and coordination among young leaders, enabling them to exchange expertise and improve responses to various security challenges. Additionally, it enhances the use of artificial intelligence as a key tool in policing operations,” he noted.

Adapting to Emerging Crimes

Expert Major General Khalil Ibrahim Al Mansouri, Assistant Commander-in-Chief for Criminal Investigation Affairs at Dubai Police, highlighted that rapid technological advancements have led to the evolution of crime from traditional forms to more complex types, such as cybercrime and AI-related offences. “This shift requires a swift response, elevated readiness, and enhanced international collaboration to effectively tackle these challenges, particularly by empowering the younger generation who play a vital role in security and policing,” he said.

Supporting Decision-Makers

Al Mansouri further stressed that Dubai Police recognises the critical role of youth in security work.  “As “digital natives,” today’s young people are key to technological progress. Therefore, organising and hosting the YGPLP 2024, with its focus on AI in policing, is a vital step in developing future police leaders and enhancing policing systems,” he continued.

Al Mansouri confirmed that the programme enables young participants to exchange knowledge, practices, and information under the guidance of experts and specialists. “This experience will empower them to support decision-makers and police leaders in their home countries, generating recommendations, innovations, and strategies that can significantly impact crime prevention in an AI-driven world,” he said.

Preparing Future-Ready Leaders

Brigadier Harib Al Shamsi, Director of the General Department of Criminal Investigation at Dubai Police, pointed out that the YGPLP enjoys strong support and attention from His Excellency Lieutenant General Abdulla Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, and close supervision by Expert Major General Khalil Al Mansouri.

“The programme plays a key role in Dubai Police’s efforts to enhance international cooperation among police forces worldwide, particularly in developing the skills of those involved in crime investigation and prevention,” he added.

Al Shamsi added that, following the successes of previous editions, Dubai Police continues to organise and host this major gathering of young INTERPOL leaders this year. He highlighted, “The four-day programme, designed in collaboration with INTERPOL, ensures that participants gain maximum benefit, advancing their leadership abilities in both thinking and decision-making.”

Guidance and Training

Al Shamsi outlined that the first day of the programme would start with a lecture titled “Future Foresight Skills for Leaders in the AI World,” followed by a “Guidance Session” led by INTERPOL’s Secretary General, alongside Dubai Police leaders and experts. The day will also feature a brainstorming session led by three specialised trainers, focusing on key areas such as “AI Applications in Policing,” “Criminal Uses and Abuses of AI,” “Responsible AI Usage,” and “Engaging the Community in Understanding Police AI Applications” to protect society and combat crime.

Policing for the Future

The second day of the programme will include a keynote lecture titled “The Intersection of Emerging Technologies, AI, and Modern Policing,” followed by workshops on “Considerations for Future-Ready Policing in the AI Era” and “Responsible AI Use in Law Enforcement.”

Addressing Emerging Challenges

On the final two days, Brigadier Dr Saeed Abdullah Al Qamzi, Assistant Director of the General Department of Criminal Investigation for Criminal Operations, noted that the programme would focus on rapidly emerging challenges in AI, including “Generative AI,” a type of artificial intelligence that aids in content creation, and the issues posed by deep fake technology. “A workshop titled “Criminal Ideas in the AI World” will also be held, with the programme concluding with team presentations, recommendations, and innovative ideas proposed by the young participants,” he noted.

Accompanying Activities

Al Qamzi mentioned that the programme will also feature various accompanying activities, including official educational visits, sports, and recreational events, as well as opportunities to network with Dubai Police leaders and specialists from different ranks and departments.


The YGPLP 2024 in Dubai, now in its fourth edition, builds on the success of the INTERPOL General Assembly session held in Dubai in 2018, which inspired the creation of this initiative. Following this, Dubai hosted the inaugural YGPLP in 2019, with 32 participants from 26 countries. The programme has since expanded, with Dubai hosting the second edition featuring 35 participants from 33 countries and India hosting the third edition, reflecting these international assemblies’ growing importance and success.

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