KnowBe4 launches free BreachSim


KnowBe4 has announced the release of BreachSim, a free tool designed to help organisations identify and address network security vulnerabilities from the lens of a hacker.

According to KnowBe4, BreachSim enables IT security professionals and network administrators to uncover weaknesses in their security infrastructure and demonstrate the critical importance of employee training.

BreachSim detects how data is being exfiltrated and helps uncover network vulnerabilities unique to an organisation. This information allows organisations to know the necessary measures to harden their cybersecurity defences and train their employees to build a strong human firewall. 

BreachSim conducts the simulations and provides results in a few minutes. Compatible with Windows 10 or later and Windows Server 2016 or later, BreachSim offers an analysis of potential data exfiltration.

“With BreachSim, we’re giving organisations the power to see their networks through the eyes of a potential cyberattacker,” said Stu Sjouwerman, CEO of KnowBe4. “By offering this at no cost, we’re ensuring that organisations of all sizes can benefit from these proactive security measures. Leveraging BreachSim alongside KnowBe4’s comprehensive security awareness training enables organisations to strengthen their security posture significantly.

“This combined approach effectively reduces human-related risks and equips organisations to navigate the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape with confidence.”

KnowBe4 BreachSim aims to:

  • Highlight the importance of testing even the most mature technology products and training users on how to properly prevent attacks
  • Give admins insight into the various ways that bad actors may bypass their systems
  • Arm administrators with details on exfiltration and methodologies used via secure test files provided by KnowBe4

For more information about BreachSim or to download the free tool, visit here.

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