Search Results for: isrm – Page 5


ISRM celebrates 5th anniversary

Last month, March 2024, the ISRM celebrated its 5th birthday, growing to become recognised as a genuine global institute of influence, able to both partner and lead in major programmes across all aspects of strategic risk and crisis management. ISRM Founder and CEO Dr David Rubens, commented: “Looking back, it is hard to believe that

Education & Events

ISRM announces strategic risk & crisis management courses for 21st century risk professional

The Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM) has announced the integration of its former Deltar Training courses into ISRM Training to “provide our full suite of accredited training and professional development programmes under the Institute’s globally recognised brand”. According to the ISRM, its integrated suite of training programmes is designed to provide participants with a


ISRM welcomes security professionals to Global Crisis Watch 266

The Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM) is inviting security professionals and members to join the organisation for its online Global Crisis Watch 266, on Friday, March 8, at 10:00 GMT. The highlighted topics at the ISRM webinar will include Russia and China considering a plan for a nuclear-powered lunar outpost, the issue of Red

risk assessment
Risk Management

ISRM: A quick review of the 2024 US National Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment

The United States Department of the Treasury released an updated National Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment (NPFRA) for 2024. Here, Mark Nuttall, Middle East Region chair of the ISRM offers a quick overview of the new guidelines, providing insight into the key risks and threats identified in the 2024 NPFRA, with a particular emphasis on geopolitical


ISRM announce launch of the France Chapter

The ISRM have officially announced the launch of the ISRM France Chapter, which will be chaired by Alexandra Hoffman, CEO of Crisis Ally. With its economy, multifaceted industries and rich cultural heritage, France presents a unique and challenging risk environment that calls for innovative risk management methodologies and the development of effective strategies to manage the diverse


CWSP and ISRM announce virtual conference ‘Global Urban Resilience in the 21st Century’

The ISRM Centre for the Study of Wicked Problems is launching the 2024 Global Urban Resilience Project for academic research and policy development to help stakeholders prepare for critical challenges. As part of the project, the Virtual Conference: Global Urban Resilience in the 21st Century will take place. This is between the 20th and 22nd of February at

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