RegulatingAI leads critical discussions at the Momentum AI Global Summit in San Jose


The Momentum AI Global Business Summit, held on July 16-17 in San Jose, spotlighted RegulatingAI as a key enabler of addressing the future of AI regulations.

The Summit, known for setting new benchmarks in enterprise AI innovation, provided a valuable platform for attendees to evaluate, deploy, and scale AI in their businesses.

The Summit featured numerous high-profile sessions, with RegulatingAI playing a pivotal role. One of the highlight’s was the Executive Interview titled “An Update on US AI Regulation,” with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo- Co-Chair of the Congressional Artificial Intelligence Caucus, where she engaged in an insightful conversation with Sanjay Puri, Founder & Podcast Host RegulatingAI.

The discussion focused on the latest developments and future directions in AI regulations in the United States.

Later that evening, Sanjay Puri also moderated a compelling executive panel discussion on “How Should AI Technology Development and Use be Governed?” This session tackled one of the most pressing regulatory challenges posed by the rise of AI. Key questions addressed included:

  • How should the U.S. govern the rapid development of transformative AI technologies?
  • What does a flexible and adaptive regulatory framework that keeps pace with AI look like?
  • How can industry and government best collaborate to achieve optimal outcomes for AI regulation in the U.S. and beyond?

The panelists included- Anthony Aguirre, Executive Director, Future of Life Institute, Armand Ruiz, Vice President of Product Management – AI Platform, IBM and Lois Tullo, Executive in Residence, Global Risk Institute.

Reflecting on the event, Sanjay Puri said, “The Momentum AI Summit highlighted the urgent need for adaptive AI regulations. Our discussions emphasised collaboration between policymakers and industry. RegulatingAI remains committed to fostering responsible AI governance that keeps pace with innovation.” 

“The Momentum AI Global Business Summit demonstrated the essential role of AI in driving innovation and growth across the world’s largest industries, whilst also ensuring that AI’s transformative potential is harnessed responsibly and effectively.”

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