Security Essen announces day of training and further education

Security essen

In cooperation with the BDSW, the Day of training and further education will be held for the sixth time on September 17 at Security Essen 2024, and all trainees, students and re-trainees of the security industry are cordially invited.

A full programme has been prepared, including expert lectures on various topics, the awarding of prizes to the selected best trainees and the opportunity to visit numerous exhibitors. Thus, the industry offspring will have the opportunity to make valuable contacts and get to know their future fields of work better.

The programme is as follows:

12.00 p.m. Opening and welcome

Oliver P. Kuhrt, Chairman of the Board of Management of Messe Essen
Dr. Peter Schwark, Managing Director of the BDSW
Frank Schimmel, Chairman of the FA Training in the BDSW

12.30 p.m.

Sebastian Otten
Member FA Training in the BDSW

Presentation by Tilo Müller, Securitas Academy and Paul Schwarzenholz, SkillCampVR on the topic: “Revolution in security training: On the way to the future with virtual reality”

01.15 p.m. Award ceremony

“Our best – the BDSW trainee award”

Break and visit to the trade fair

04.00 p.m. Tombola raffle and farewell ceremony

Ruhr Hall, Exhibition Centre East, Messe Essen

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