Security on Screen at the World Police Summit | Interpol

At the prestigious World Police Summit, the global policing event delivered by dmg events in conjunction with Dubai Police HQ, Peter Mawson, Founder of Security on Screen, was able to speak with JĆ¼rgen Stock, Secretary General at INTERPOL, who offers a valuable insight into Interpol and what they do on a global basis, while also explaining what they have in store for their 100th year anniversary.

Security on Screen and the Security Industry Group are proud partners of the Summit, which is also supported by multiple additional agencies, including the Security Industry Regulatory Agency- SIRA, the Security Professionals Association, ROADPOL, the I.I.A – International Investigation Agency and the International Association of Chiefs of Police, to name just a few.

To find out more about the World Police Summit 2024, and to register, click here

For more Interpol news, click here


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