The Security Industry Authority (SIA) has published a summary of the analysis of responses to its consultation on a proposed code of conduct. The proposed code would set out the behaviour that is expected of licence holders and applicants. The consultation sought views of licence holders and other interested parties on the content of the draft, and on the potential impacts of introducing it.
The SIA has the responsibility of ensuring that only “fit and proper” people hold an SIA licence and it is exploring whether a code of conduct could make clearer what is meant by “fit and proper” by describing what behaviour a fit and proper person should, and should not, do. The proposed code of conduct is based on six commitments: act with honesty and integrity; be trustworthy; protect the people and property you are entrusted to protect; be professional at work; act with fairness and impartiality at work; be accountable for your decisions and actions.
The consultation asked 14 questions about the draft code of conduct, along with three questions to ascertain respondents’ licensing status and who they were replying on behalf of. The SIA received 3,853 responses to the online consultation, with over 4,200 comments made in response to the open questions. A vast majority of responses (98%) were made by existing SIA licence holders. The responses provided a wide range of views and comments about the draft code of conduct and the form it might take if introduced.
Having published the data it has generated from this consultation, the SIA will now consider in more detail whether a code of conduct is a proportionate regulatory approach, and what impact it might have on the private security industry. It will also consider how, if introduced the code of conduct would work in practice. Ongoing dialogue with the industry will be critical to the thinking on these issues and the SIA will provide an update on its progress in due course.
To view the summary, click here.