TfL cybersecurity incident: Closed Door Security responds

Closed Door Security

Following the news that TfL is experiencing a cyber incident, William Wright, CEO of Closed Door Security, gives his response.

“Given how little information has been released about this incident, it’s impossible to know what is happening at TfL. Fortunately, services don’t seem to have been impacted and, so far, all evidence suggests customer data hasn’t been compromised. 

The big question people will also want to know is who carried out the attack and if it can be attributed to another country, like Russia. TfL was also attacked by Russia last year, so it definitely isn’t out of the realms of possibility. Furthermore, given Russia’s recent uptick in attacks on the West, it wouldn’t be surprising, but it is far too early to speculate.

Given that so little information has been provided, there has been some negative conversation online with internet users wanting to know why TfL has even revealed the incident when it hasn’t impacted customer data or services. These are understandable questions, but TfL has a duty to report incidents, non-disclosure would be far worse.

The incident also acts as a reminder that no organisation is ever fully safe in the digital world. Whether through outages, attacks or human error, the digital world can present a dangerous terrain for businesses. They therefore must prioritise defences across their architecture and introduce redundancy plans so that even when digital downtime occurs, they can still operate uninterruptedly and safely.”

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