SoS spoke to Tim Purpura, VP of Sales & Marketing at Morse Watchmans (@MorseWatchmans1), who are exhibiting on stand S2 E10 at Intersec Dubai @IntersecExpo.
Tim said, “Government security is very significant for us. Last year was strong for us and 2025 promises to be outstanding. The market continues to expand.
Saudi Arabia (not one of the Emirates of course) is a major and growing market for Morse Watchmans. Obviously, there is a current focus on construction of the new city, Neom, along the Red Sea which will have a dizzying extent of 10,200 square miles.
Tim believes there is a lesson right there since this is a city that is being built from the roots up. And yet there is still a need for keys, master keys, key storage and access control to gain legitimate use of those keys. Keys are not going out of fashion.
The custodial sector is an important vertical for Morse Watchmans with enviable penetration of this market, notably in the US and Sweden.
Morse Watchmans take pride in selling directly to the end user. When SoS pointed to the fact that well informed distributors can act as educators in the distribution channel, Tim replied that he works with some of the finest educators in the business – the sixty-strong Morse Watchmans sales force who are recognized for their industry knowledge and understanding of operating conditions on the ground. Integrators remain an important and valued part of the mix however.
After prisons, secure hospitals and other custodial facilities, a significant sector at the moment is hospitality and notably casinos with the obvious location being Las Vegas. The authentication process to access keys in high volume cash-handling locations can often be triple level including fingerprint and pin code. And once a key is issued, the Morse Watchmans technology will always report on its location.
Hospitality is strong with casinos being a major market.
And the outlook with a new US president taking office shortly? Tim expects greater federal regulation and this will be a stimulus for all aspects of the physical security sector as well as parallel cyber technology.