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Advanced Systems International, sac was founded in 2004. Our team started development of its flagship security software product USB-Lock-RP from headquarters in Lima-Peru.
USB-Lock-RP (Remote Protect) is Strong Endpoint Security Software, designed to protect organizations windows networks from the risks associated with portable storage use.
Since initial development the Advanced Systems Team has focused on incorporating useful functionality requested by security officers in respectable organizations, bringing support to newer operating systems, and included new portable device technologies under its protection scope, without dropping support to legacy operating systems. Over the years it has remained true to its original concept of providing a straightforward tool to allow effective device control and prevent data loss and systems infection in windows organizations networks.
Now in 2023 while complex highly integrated solutions proliferate. Both IIoT and IoT challenge Cybersecurity providers. USB-Lock-RP™© remains a specialized tool that brings ease to complexities and provides centralized USB Control capable of protecting enterprise/organizations data assets and stopping USB-based exploits before they spread.
Our Security Software is design to:
Operate independently, no active directory or internet connection is required. We consider that providing an independent solution that works as intended without conflict or dependencies is the best way to ensure the licensing organization keeps full control.
Use minimum system resources, USB-Lock-RP resources requirement are not significantly greater than the requirements to run the bare operating system. When it comes to security, systems time response is critical to effectivness, by lowering the demand on system resources the solution can be effective in a broad range of systems including legacy.
Be straightforward, the same software set is suitable to protect operating systems in small, mid and large networks. USB-Lock-RP sets are prepared with different range of capacity and use the same client MSI installer to deploy in any Windows OS 32 or 64 bit, this greatly facilitates initial client mass deployment on hybrid networks.
Provide an advantageous perpetual licensing model, our software never expires, not even the demo. All licensing includes 2 years software assurance & maintenance.
Make base technical support always available regardless of software maintenance subscription status. Support is provided by developers, our team can take meaningful immediate action in resolving any specific technical issue.
Be technically driven, not marketing driven. We do not push sales (licensing), we inform of the product availability and provide a functional demo. If you reached us you have most likely arrived by existing user recommendation or by organic search, we do all SEO inside. We Offer a personalized service, all software is licensed and delivered personalized bearing the licensing organization logo in all alert screens presented at client stations and at the control. (Accompanied by a written license certificate)
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USB-Lock-RP Device Control Software for Enterprise
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