About Us

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IDEMIA is a multinational company with french roots, a leader of the security market. You certainly use everyday all our products without knowing it : your payment card, ID card, passport, driving licence, health card, SIM card…. but also the eSIM in your car… the border control or passenger facilitation terminals in the airport…

In the corporate space, we are the leader of biometrics for physical and logical access control through a range of fingerprint and facial recognition terminals, as well as a powerful biometric video analytics solution.
Our field-proven terminals, designed engineered and assembled in France, are suitable for clients who are looking for high-performance. We achieve this through the combination of high-end hardware components (fingerprint sensors, cameras…) with our industry-leading biometric algorithms, regularly in the top 3 of NIST and DHS evaluations. As a result, our MorphoWave is the only one in the world able to scan and verify 4 fingerprints in less than 1 second through a fully touchless hand wave gesture ; and our VisionPass is the only facial recognition terminal in the world to have passed with 100% success both Level 1 and Level 2 of iBeta’s reputed and stringent “PAD” antispoofing evaluation.

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SIGMA range

SIGMA field-proven range of touch fingerprint terminals


The most advanced facial recognition terminal on the market

MorphoWave SP/XP

The only terminal able to scan and identify 4 fingerprints in less than 1 second on a fully contactless way

Smart Devices

Quick, accurate cutting edge data capture.


Security from the core to every end point


Using cryptography, we secure personal credentials, ensure data integrity, and protect individual privacy.


Actionable intelligence through AI and Deep Learning


Government grade identity verification

Latest News


IDEMIA Public Security North America launches all-in-one latent print software


IDEMIA Public Security achieves top position in RIVTD Evaluation for Biometric Accuracy and Fairness


IDEMIA awarded 10-year blanket purchase agreement for identity proofing for login.gov


IDEMIA Public Security launches Mobile ID in West Virginia


IDEMIA Smart Identity’s biometric recognition system granted OSIA qualification


IDEMIA Public Security secures 10-year extension of agreement with Australian Department of Home Affairs


IDEMIA Smart Identity launches new security feature IDQR


IDEMIA Public Security partners with Kudelski IoT to combat identity fraud in automotive retail


IDEMIA Public Security launches new self-service kiosks at Tennessee Driver Service Centers


IDEMIA and three French technology companies create the HyGARDE consortium


IDEMIA Public Security delivers upgraded Multibiometric Identification System to INTERPOL


IDEMIA Public Security names Vincent Bouatou as Chief Technology Officer


IDEMIA Public Security selected by NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence


IDEMIA Public Security announces support from Applause


IN Groupe and IDEMIA Group enter into exclusive negotiations for the acquisition of IDEMIA Smart Identity


IDEMIA partners with My Family ID


IDEMIA Public Security partners with Iowa Department of Transportation and Samsung


IDEMIA reveals exclusive insights from its global survey


IDEMIA Secure Transactions reveal offline CBDC payment transaction that’s resistant to quantum computers


The Netherlands incorporates LASINK Helios by IDEMIA Smart Identity for new Dutch identity documents

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